What Should You Consider in Your Website Refresh?
There are lots of elements that go into the core design of a website, referring to the main design elements, the home page, header and footer.
Below is a list of some website design elements we review, discuss, and plan for in the early stages of our projects:
Elements of a Website Header:
- Logo
- Tagline
- Social media icons and/or references
- Search box
- Primary navigation menu (core destinations)
- Secondary navigation menu (secondary destinations such as account or login)
Elements of the Core Home Page:
- Rotator or static image
- Video
- Site introduction or overview
- Featured content
- Directions for movement
- Call to actions
- Promotions and/or deals
- Recent blog posts
- Upcoming events
Elements of Website Footer:
- Widgets for lists to core content
- Contact information
- Site navigation to sitemap, policies, terms and conditions
- Disclaimers or legal notices
- Copyright